His Name
Part V of VI
His Name
Part V - Do You Know God's Name?
1. God's name is Yahowah. This name and its proper pronunciation has been explained in "His Name, Parts II, III, and IV".
2. The name of the Muslim god is Allah. The name of the chief god of the Hindus is Vishnu. The name of one cult, the Jehovah Witnesses, calls their god by the name of Jehovah. In the Shinto religion the Japanese sun goddess, supreme deity of the universe, is Amaterasu. Some Christian groups and others that identify themselves as Christian and are not, call their god by the name of Yahweh. But most Christians do not know the name of their God, even though cults and false religions know the name of their gods. I have written and asked many Christians and supposed Christians, especially clergy, and even Jewish groups trying to determine if any of them know the name of their God. I have yet to receive a valid answer from any of them. They do not know. If any Rabbis do know, they are not sharing the correct answer with me.
3. I have received answers such as His name is God, His name is Lord, His name is Elohiym, His name is the Alpha and the Omega, His name is I Am, His name is El Shaddai, His name is the Prince of Peace, His name is Yahweh, His name is Adonai, and His name is Jehovah. This is not an exhaustive list of answers that I have received. Some of these names are simply outright wrong: God, Lord, Elohiym, Alpha and Omega, El Shaddai, Prince of Peace, Adonai. These are only titles, not names. I Am is an English translation of what God says about Himself, but it is not the name He has given us to call Him and He certainly did not give us a translation by which to call Him. Yahweh and Jehovah are weak and incorrect translations of His name (see "His Name, Part III, How Is It Pronounced"). God did not instruct us to call Him by a translation.
4.a. So, what is God's name? If you are using the NIV translation, you will not find it there. The KJV translation has God's name written one time at Psalms 68:4 KJV, "Sing unto God, sing praises to his name: extol him that rideth upon the heavens by his name JAH, and rejoice before him." Unfortunately, it is only the shortened version and it is misspelled. The original KJV translation of 1611 spelled Jah correctly as Iah. When "J" became a separate and distinct letter in the English alphabet a couple of decades later the spelling in Iah should have remained the same, or if changed it should have been changed to the letter "Y", which would have given it the proper sound and pronunciation. Changing it to the hard sound of "J" destroyed the proper pronunciation of His name.
4.b. The word Jehovah is not in the NIV. The word Jehovah is in the KJV only four times, and it is not His actual name. Yahweh is not in the NIV text or the KJV. So, in spite of the fact that some Bible Colleges and schools of thought think they have arrived at His correct name, they are wrong, and the KJV and the NIV do not agree with them either. So, what is God's name?
5. Some question the importance of knowing His exact name. They might say, what does it matter what His name is? Why is it important? We have been getting along fine for one year, or two, or twenty, or for generations without knowing His name. Why is it an issue now? Or, someone will say, what difference does it make about what name we call him? Why can we not just call him anything we want, even Bill or Jim or Jack, just so we all agree as to who we mean? Well, if that is okay with you, why can we not just call Him Buddha or Allah or Baal, just so we all agree as to who we mean? Do you think God wants us to use a pagan name to refer to Him by? Would you like to be called by a pagan name? The answers to these questions have been addressed in "His Name, Parts II & IV". However, more can be said.
6. The enemies of Yahowah and His name are many and varied. A few years back, my son invited me into an internet chatroom. For those not familiar with these chatrooms, you can type and send your message in real time and others can answer you. In fact, multiple written conversations between multiple different individuals can be taking place simultaneously. The script constantly scrolls before you on your computer screen, you pick out the comments you wish to respond to and ignore the rest. The interaction can be fascinating, because you can join in or drop out of the other written conversations per your choice. On top of this, there is audio real time dialogue going on at the same time. My adult son was trying to proselytize in this "Christian Chatroom" and wanted me to help him with some difficult questions and objections. One of the participants had identified himself as a Muslim. The conversation turned to God's name. When I mentioned the name of Yahowah, bedlam exploded in this chatroom. My son, who had frequented these type of chatrooms for years, said he had never seen anything like it before. Most vivid in my memory was the voice of the man who had earlier identified himself as a Muslim. His voice was screaming, over and over again, "Stop saying Yahowah, stop saying Yahowah!" There is no question in my mind that through this man and dozens of others, the demons of hell had risen up to vociferously shutdown the very mention of God's true name. Even if the people did not recognize His name, the demons did.
7. Enemies of God present themselves in the entertainment media quite frequently. They are not satisfied to just oppose God and His children, but they plan and premeditate actions against Him. From the sixties George Harrison, from the Beatles band, is one such celebrity. About fifteen years ago, give or take five years, I saw an interview with George Harrison on television. He was explaining how his song "My Sweet Lord", was purposefully written and performed to trick Christians into singing his god's name. He was laughing and mocking about how well it worked. It was written to be performed as a sing-along song, and had a tune and cadence that easily drew people into singing the words as they listened. For about 2:55 minutes the words "my sweet lord" are repeated a lot. Then boom, suddenly George identifies his sweet lord and sings about him for another 1:30 minutes. His lord's name is Hare Krishna. The mantra of "my sweet lord" is deceptively replaced with the mantra "hare krishna". Some sects of Hinduism consider Krishna to be the original form of their god Vishnu. Christians, unaware, will sing along "my sweet lord", and continue on singing "hare krishna" when the words change. I did it myself before I was a Christian and afterwards until I caught myself. This amused George Harrison, enemy of God, immensely.
8. Would you like some Scriptural evidence that people actively assault God's name? Jeremiah 23:26-27 KJV, "26 How long shall this be in the heart of the prophets that prophesy lies? yea, they are prophets of the deceit of their own heart; 27 Which think to cause my people to forget my name by their dreams which they tell every man to his neighbour, as their fathers have forgotten my name for Baal." Hosea 2:16 KJV, "And it shall be at that day, saith [Yahowah], that thou shalt call me Ishi; and shalt call me no more Baali." Can I add an explanation that is any plainer than this? No, I cannot.
9. I could give more examples, but these should suffice. It is obvious that enemies of God take names very seriously. And they especially take Yahowah's name seriously. If you belong to Him, you should take it seriously as well. For Yahowah has told us through the prophet Zephaniah in Zephaniah 3:9 KJV, "For then will I turn to the people a pure language, that they may all call upon the name of [Yahowah], to serve him with one consent."
10.a. There is still so much more that can be said. This is why I have completed a Part VI to this teaching. The points made in this teaching cannot be repeated enough. Most everyone, for their entire Christian walk have been taught something different, or not taught at all about His name. Getting this ingrained in your spirit is not an overnight task. It will take years. When I first started using His name when conversing with others, I always felt the need to explain myself. Usually I would say, "I prefer to use His untranslated name." But these days, it has become so chic to use various names for God, many people just accept it without an explanation. Unfortunately, chic not only means fashionable, but it really means vainly fashionable or pridefully fashionable. I do not use God's name to puff myself up in the eyes of men. The knowledge of His name is very humbling, especially when its full meaning is consumed, digested, and used by your spirit to help you grow in your knowledge and love for our very personal God and Father. Please, I hope that you never use His name as a display of vanity. Pride is a very ugly sin that comes from the pit.
10.b. In our personal studies, whenever we come across LORD or GOD, we read Yahowah instead and we drop the preceding definite article of "the". It took several years for this to become natural, and now it is preferred. This is not a changing of Scripture. The Scripture actually shows His name to be Yahowah and not LORD or GOD in all capital letters, if the translators had properly written it. Using LORD in the Bible is the beginning of compounding a problem. When preachers write from and quote the Bible, and they come across LORD, they normally do not write it in all capitals. Instead, they copy it as Lord. Now the name of God suffers further corruption. It can no longer be recognized as His forever name, it has truly become nothing more than a title that can be claimed by any ruler, king, or false god. God bless you, and may you be further blessed by the final part VI.
11. We welcome constructive input supported by Scriptures from the Bible. Please contact us by our email address rickdmauck@gmail.com. Copyright © 2010 Richard Douglas Mauck and/or Sandra Faye Mauck. All rights reserved. This material is copyrighted to protect the integrity of this work. Permission is hereby granted to copy this treatise in its entirety as long as no editing is done, no charge is made to those with whom it is shared, and full credit is given to the authors.